The Obvious Fraud Revisited: The Admission-Seeking Interview

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David O'Bryan
Jeffrey J. Quirin


Fraud Examination; Forensic Accounting; Interviewing Techniques


E.Z. Pickens Conglomerate, S.A. is a large, multi-national manufacturing organization. Approximately six months ago an anonymous tip was left on the company’s fraud hotline. The tip pertained to a division manager of the company who had allegedly perpetrated a fraudulent vendor scheme in collaboration with their significant other. Your company’s internal audit department conducted a review of the vendor file, corroborated the allegation, and forwarded their findings to your department. You supervised a complete investigation into the matter which will now culminate with an admission-seeking interview of the fraudster. Your task is to review the investigative file, prepare to confront the alleged perpetrator, and then conduct the admission-seeking interview to obtain an oral and written confession.


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