Changes In The Development Process Of Mobile Phone Applications Bring Opportunities For Developers And More Options To Consumers
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apps, Internet, Android system, Apple system
Consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable with technology. As their knowledge and use of technology has increased, so too have their expectations and roles in the technology environment. New technology brings about new products, and the process of developing new products is ongoing. Research and development, turnaround times, product introduction timing, and development efforts of the competition all influence the process. The race to move new technology to the market as quickly as possible has significantly changed the development process. Individuals now have development opportunities that generally belonged to corporations years ago. As Smartphones become more mainstream, the race to create applications (apps) for the devices has presented entrepreneurial opportunities for companies and individuals alike. Not only is the demand for apps increasing, but the power of apps is also increasing. Apps have the ability to affect consumer demands and, ultimately, impact what is available in the marketplace.