Case Study: A Comparative Analysis Of Financial And Quality Indicators Of Nursing Homes That Have Closed And Nursing Homes That Have Remained Open

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Jim Morey
Ken Wallis
Hoseoup Lee
Gary Scherzer
Robert Orilio


nursing homes, Medicaid


Eight New York nursing homes, 4 open and 4 closed, were chosen at random for analysis. They were examined to determine if a relationship between age of assets, fiscal viability and quality of care existed. Three years of data for each nursing home was selected Several financial variables were used to construct a fiscal viability index; and a patient care index was created from selected measures that are used to measure specific aspects of institutional care. The premise was that the constructed indices will demonstrate a significant difference between closed nursing homes and homes remaining open. The analysis found that fiscal viability index could be a significant factor to differentiate the two groups of nursing homes, but the quality index showed no significant difference between the two groups.


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