GTE Union Organization A Case Study

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Russell K. Baker


GTE, GTE Supply, GTES, General Telephone Company, TELCO, union


On November 19, 1993 the following notice was sent to the office of the general manager of GTE Supply Company in Tampa, Florida:


A petition for certification as collective bargaining representative of certain of your employees has been filed with this office, pursuant to the Labor Management Relations Act, as amended. A copy of the petition is enclosed. Should you desire further information before a Board Agent communicates with you, telephone or write the office to which the case is being assigned, referring to the above case name and number" (United States of America, 1993).

This letter was the beginning of the final phase of long-term labor unrest at GTE Supply. The labor conflict began over five years earlier, and culminated in a third union representation election in January 1994.

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