The Relationship Between The Managers Managerial Practice And The Location Of Automotive Service Business
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Tawian, rural Taiwan, total quality management, TQM, managers, Managerial Practice, MP
The gap between the development of rural and urban areas is widening in Taiwan. The population of metropolitan areas keeps growing while that of rural areas stagnates. Certain rural towns even experienced negative growth. Transportation and industrial development in the eastern and the western parts of this island is also quite unbalanced. Aside from environmental factors, the shortage of managers knowledge of total quality management (TQM) is the primary barrier to applying TQM in an enterprise. Based on the background, this research was focused on the relationship between the managers managerial practice (MP) and the locations of the automotive service businesses. Consequently, it was found that the managers who work in the eastern areas of Taiwan are better than those who work the other regions in terms of MP.