Fall From Grace Or Glass Ceiling

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Sambhavi Lakshminarayanan


Gender, Women, Leadership, Financial Services, Ethics, Career


Wall Street has had few women in top leadership positions. Zoe Cruz was one of the highest ranking women in the financial services industry. She spent her career working at one firm where she rose to the rank of Co-President. However, soon after reaching the highest levels, Zoe Cruz abruptly left the firm after twenty-five years of service. Ms. Cruz’s departure proved controversial and commentators had a range of opinions. There were at least three broad interpretations of the situation: one, that she had a moral obligation to leave; two, that organizational politics had forced her out; and, three, that many of the problems she faced could be traced to the fact that she was a woman working in a domain and culture dominated by men.

The case is aimed at identifying factors and forces that were at work in the situation. It also poses the question of deciding whether gender and culture related factors were at work against Ms. Cruz’s interests or whether what happened was post-gender and simply par for the course.


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