Biomass Conversion To Fuels: A Challenge For Sustainable Growth In Mexico

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Flory Anette Dieck Assad


Swine Farmhouse, Water pollution, Biogas, Carbon Bonds, Biodigester


During an adventure into a swine farmhouse in the municipality of Montemorelos, in the State of Nuevo Leon in Mexico, it was a real discovery to find out that well processed animal excrement is a potential source of wealth for the farm owner. This academic case presents the dilemmas for the construction of biodigesters that could help decrease environmental pollution through the trade of Carbon Bonds. Energy security, technological, and environmental concerns are the cornerstones of Sustainable Growth in Mexico, applied to this specific case. [1]

[1] This Academic Case was written with the objective of serving as course discussion material where students can learn about the great challenge of Sustainable Growth with an emphasis in pollution control in the swine farms in Mexico. Its emphasis is centered in the use of financial strategies, through the trade of Carbon Bonds, in order to trigger the swine farms’ growth with sustainable and ecological criteria. It can be used with the author’s permission and the request of the Teaching Note for academic purposes. This Academic Case was written with the information given by Ana Margarita Swine Farm, located in “Camino a la Cascara Km. 2.5”, Cascara, in the municipality of Montemorelos, in the State of Nuevo Leon, in Mexico, where this case was researched. Some data has been altered to maintain confidentiality of the information. I want to extend my deep gratitude to Mr. Jose Luis Tamez Tamez, President of the Swine Farms Union of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and owner of the Ana Margarita Swine Farm. I want to thank him for his generosity, his time and great talent with which I could write the present Case.

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