Modeling The Performance Evaluation Of Local Investment And Economic Development Corporations

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Frederic Bernard
Jean Desrochers
Denis Martel
Jacques Prefontaine



The purpose of this research is to propose an overall performance evaluation model for local development companies that takes into account social, financial and operational aspects. While there are many ways to evaluate business performance, few make it possible to take into account all the objectives of the organization. After reviewing the literature on the topic, we developed a model that uses a surface measurement to classify organizations. We then applied this model to the Société locale d’investissement et de développement d’emploi du Québec (SOLIDEQ), which itself comprises 84 SOLIDEs. The mission of these organizations is to provide venture capital to regional companies. As an arm of a labor-sponsored venture capital corporation, the SOLIDEs must obtain a return on investment commensurate with the risk incurred, achieve local development objectives such as job creation and maintenance, and lastly, manage operations wisely given that the management committee consists of volunteers. The study results show that our model can be effectively used to measure the performance of each SOLIDE and to create a classification that takes into account all their objectives.


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