Applying Six Sigma To Achieve Enterprise Sustainability: Preparations And Aftermath Of Six Sigma Projects

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Abdullah AlSagheer


Sustainability, Benchmarking, Continuous Improvement, Six Sigma For Sustainability


Sustainability is not a method or a tool; it is the state of a company in which the efficiency of resources is maximized, customers are satisfied to a great extent, an improved condition is long-lasting, success is maintained and competitive advantage is sustained. Literature review carried out in this research depicts that researchers have extensively worked on identifying and documenting the enablers, challenges, risks, projects, corporate commitments and strategic integration of Six Sigma with other frameworks. But at the same time, the literature establishes that Six Sigma is neither completely welcomed by companies nor the methodology has proven its worth for most of the corporations .The latter argument suggests the need for identification of gaps between the capabilities of Six Sigma methodology and the actual situation in the enterprise world. The theme of this paper is to explore the capabilities of Six Sigma that can enable companies to achieve the state of sustainability to a great extent. Three dimensions of Six Sigma are identified that includes strategic, tactical and operational dimensions. A Process Research and Development model (PRAND) is presented at the end of paper with guidelines for future research.


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