Students Perspective On The Impact Of The Title III Program On Doctoral And Professional Programs At Minority Serving Institutions: An Analysis Using A Multilevel Rasch Rating Scale Model
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Item Response Theory, HBCUs, Rasch Rating Scale Model, Title III program
We assessed the impact of Part B, section 326 of the Title III program using data from three historically Black Universities.The Title III program aims at strengthening the resource capacity of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with eligible doctoral and professional programs. The lack of documented quantitative impact contributes to skepticism regarding program efficacy. A web-based survey instrument was used to collect data from students across five domains: research and instruction; technology development; facilities improvement; student financial assistance; and student services. A multilevel Rasch Rating Scale Model (ARSM) was utilized for data analysis. The students indicated that the program has intermediate to high impact on research and instruction and low impact on tutorial and counseling services and outreach programs.
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