Understanding The Relationship Among Leadership Effectiveness, Leader-Member Interactions And Organizational Citizenship Behaviour In Higher Institutions Of Learning In Ghana
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Leadership Effectiveness, LMX, OCB, Higher Institutions of Learning, Leader–Member–Exchanges, Organizational Citizenship
The study ascertained the relationship between Quality of Leader–Member–Exchanges (QLMX) and Leadership Effectiveness (LE) with Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) as an intervening variable for LE in public higher Institutions of learning in Ghana. The study was based on a quantitative cross-sectional design and a regression analysis within higher institutions of learning in Ghana. The results of the study show that there is a strong and positive relationship among the variables. Both LE and LMX had statistically significant influences on OCB at 1% respectively with coefficients of 1.2197 and 0.9534 respectively. LMX also had a statistically significant influence on LE at 1% with a coefficient of 0.4255. Two of the four sub-scales of LMX – Affect and Professional had a statistically significant influence on LE at 1% and 5% respectively. Three of the sub-scales of LMX - affect, contribution, and professional respect - also had statistically significant influences on OCB three of the four sub-scales were significant at 5%, 1% and 5% respectively. Worthy of note is the fact that for both LE and OCB loyalty was not found to have statistical influence. The study recommends that Leaders in HILs in Ghana should avoid cronyism, but rely more on modelling the way and encourage the heart to inspire commitment towards institutional vision in order to be effective.