The Effectiveness Of Product Placement By Media Types: Impact Of Image And Intention To Purchase
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Product Placement, Media, Brand Awareness, Familiarity, Image, Purchase Intention
Product placement, as an integrated marketing communication tool, is widely applied to increase attention, interest, and purchasing intention. Product placement is also identified as an integrative conceptual model that captures how such messages generate audience outcomes (Balasubramanian, Karrah, and Patwardhan, 2006). By considering various applications of product placement in the automobile brands, the purpose of this study is to measure awareness, familiarity, image, and purchase intention of brands placed in various media types. In particular, this study measures 1) how brand awareness from product placement affects brand image, 2) how brand familiarity from product placement affects brand image, 3) how brand image affects purchase intention, and 4) the effects of brand awareness and familiarity based on different media types. This study applied a survey to collect data and used quantitative analyses to test hypotheses. The study provides managerial implications for the effectiveness of product placements by media types.