Meta-Analysis And Empirical Research Of Learning Style Theories In Higher Education: The Case Of Slovenia

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Sandra Penger
Metka Tekavcic
Vlado Dimovski


testing learning style theories, higher education, meta-analysis, factor analysis, Slovenia


Researchers have pointed out that students learn effectively in a harmonic environment and by using teaching aids which match the students’ learning style preferences (Li et al., 2008). The learning styles literature is having a revival during last years. Although learning styles have been heavily researched (Coffield et al., 2004; Reynold & Vince, 2007; Welsh et al., 2007; Hornyak et al., 2007; Herbert & Stenfors, 2007; Sievers, 2007; Hyde, 2007; Kayes A.B., 2007; Kayes D. C., 2007; Garcia et al., 2007; Demirbas & Demirkan, 2007; Armstrong & Mahmud, 2008; Li et al., 2008), little is known about Slovenian students’ learning styles, especially in the field of management education. The aim of study is to present and explore the learning styles of students enrolled in the course Economics of education at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics (FELU) in Slovenia. Another purpose is to better understand the different learning styles among management students in order to develop appropriate teaching strategies for improving management education at FELU. Additionally, the intention of this research is to develop a valid and reliable research questionnaire for further research processes and to set up research instruments as supportive mechanisms in management education and in the development curriculums and syllabuses of new courses. This study method included both a descriptive and an exploratory perspective. In the first part the qualitative meta-analysis method was used to overview the literature background. In the empirical part the factor analysis using the Principle Axes Factoring method was used to extract learning styles. The adapted versions of Honey and Mumford’s (1992) Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ) and Dunn & Dunn’s (2003) VAK Learning Style Theory (Coffield et al., 2004) were used as instruments in the questionnaire to determine Slovenian students’ learning styles. Findings of the study outline, that for the educators in higher education institution, the challenge is to provide meta-cognitive support for students, enabling them to reflect not just on what they learn but also how and why.


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