Higher Education Administration And Globalization In The 21st Century In India

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Taghi Jabbarifar


Higher Education, Administration, Globalization, College, University, India


This article deals with the changing scenario and management responsibilities of higher education in the 21st century in India. Of course, for those looking for challenges of management in higher education as a field, the future is not going to be a disappointment. Maybe by the end of the first decade of the 21st century management of higher education worldwide would have changed beyond recognition. Every administrator is required to behave like a shrewd politician. The world has been changing very fast. The pace of liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG) is remarkable and has tremendously influenced various dimensions of management of higher education. The long-term consideration in the educational sector requires a clear statement of the direction in which a society wishes to move. Thus it is necessary to visualize the type of society India would like to have in the 21st century and beyond

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