Mission Revision Is Critical Component Of Re-Accreditation Strategies In Schools Of Business

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Janice Witt Smith
Mak Khojasteh



Many business schools in the United States and abroad market themselves as having quality programs, in part based on the level of external validation they have received through the attainment of accreditation. The most recent AACSB-IME standards seem to indicate that schools will be evaluated based on the alignment of the policies, curricula, educational programs and practices with the business school’s mission. This requires that the institutions have a clear understanding of who they are, want to be become, who/what they wish to produce and who they serve. This study examines a single AACSB-IME accredited institution’s efforts to revise its mission statement in an environment undergoing a major cultural shift from a baccalaureate to Master’s I institution, as well as changes in key leadership.


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