Teacher Work Sample Methodology: Displaying Accountability Of U.S. Teacher Education Program Effectiveness

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Donna Cooner
Cerissa Stevenson
Heidi Frederiksen


Teacher Work Sample Methodology, Teacher Work Sample, Teacher Education, Accountability, Teacher Preparation Program Effectiveness


Productive strategies for evaluating outcomes in teacher licensure programs are becoming increasingly important in the education field. Research data from 492 teacher licensure program completers from 2006-2009 in the School of Education, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado (USA) was compiled after accreditation by the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC). Three categories including subject matter knowledge, pedagogy, and caring teaching skills were acknowledged in accreditation. An important pedagogy experience for students during the licensure program was teacher work sample methodology. This article discusses teacher work sample methodology, explains the experience of building a teacher work sample (TWS) and presents data regarding students’ results from TWS rubrics. Findings demonstrate teacher education program effectiveness and highlight the effective use of TWSs to meet accreditation requirements.


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