The Faculty Evaluation Process: The First Step In Fostering Professional Development In An Online University

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Barbara Weschke
Stephen Canipe


faculty assessment, professional development, collegial interaction, higher education, online university


The presentation will trace the experiences of two program directors from Walden University and their examination of issues involved with faculty assessment. Their experiences were used to create a simple but effective and workable model for faculty assessment and development. Once a presentation of how data were obtained, and analyzed, to create an effective communication process, the specifics of how faculty members were engaged in the collegial methods to ensure a workable professional development process will be described. The experiences of the directors in working with assessment will be utilized as they demonstrate how they regularly conduct an interactive evaluation process, involving the audience in using the model created at Walden in the Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership. This model was developed using various metrics, such as student course evaluations, faculty self-assessments, checklists of activity, adherence to rubrics, etc. The entire process begins with the premise that collegial interactions will provide the most sustainable changes. The process concludes with the implementation of online professional development in response to the collected data.


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