Using Prezi In Higher Education

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Nora Strasser


Presentation, Prezi, Online


PowerPoint can be viewed as boring and commonplace (Craig & Amernic, 2006). While it is a great tool, using a more dynamic presentation editor may better capture the attention of a class or any other group of people. Having an editor that is cloud-based allows for more flexibility and collaboration than is possible with PowerPoint (Settle, Abrams, & Baker, 2011). Prezi is a cloud-based presentation editor that allows the user to create presentations that zoom. The goal is to make presentations more dynamic in nature and not as linear in structure.

Being able to access your presentation from the internet also allows for a much more flexible working environment. Presentations can be edited at any place and any time. A link is available that will allow others to view the presentation as well. Also, any changes made to a presentation will be reflected in what a viewer sees. Students can use Prezi to much more easily work collaboratively on projects.


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