About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The American Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) welcomes articles that bridge the worlds of theory and practice, identify cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional innovation, and describe educational strategies to address the changing role that engineering plays in society and in driving local and global economies. AJEE is a widely cited, completely open access journal that is an essential for engineering education professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to articles focusing on theory as well as those focusing on practice, assessment and mainstreaming of innovative engineering education strategies. Of particular interest are articles that assess and evaluate programs and strategies designed to promote creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Other topics include broadening recruitment in engineering with particular interest in underrepresented populations and increasing student retention in engineering programs.

AJEE is published twice a year. Months of distribution are: June and December.

How To Cite This Journal

Please cite this journal as “American Journal of Engineering Education” in your references.


Article Submissions & Fees

Articles submitted to the Clute Institute for possible journal publication are subjected to a double-blind, peer review process. Submissions for the American Journal of Engineering Education follow our typical submission structure, except for the following differences:

  • No submission fee
  • Response time regarding the double blind peer review process is determined by the editor
  • All submissions are sent directly to the editor via AJEE@tamu.edu

Article Submissions & Fees

Articles submitted to the Clute Institute for possible journal publication are subjected to a double-blind, peer review process. For more information about how to submit an article as well as details about all applicable publication fees, click a link below.

Hard Copies

Hard copies of our journals are available for an additional fee.


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