Understanding And Confronting Alcohol-Induced Risky Behavior Among College Students

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Lucien J. Dornier
Katharine J. Fauquier
April R. Field
Michael C. Budden


Reckless Behavior, Alcohol Education, Drinking and Driving, Sober Shuttle, Students


Confronting alcohol abuse is a challenge for most higher education institutions. Each year, students are admitted to hospitals for issues arising from the misuse of alcohol. The deaths of some engaged in alcohol related activities is especially worrisome. Factors such as age and financial standing could impact the likelihood of abuse. So-called drinking “games” have potentially altered student perceptions of alcohol consumption and may lead to reckless behavior. This study looks at perceptions of alcohol use among college students and investigates the level of support a late night shuttle system might garner if offered to students on a college campus.


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