The Influence Of Media On Attitudinal And Behavioral Changes: Acceptance Of Culture And Products

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Rahmiati Lita
Yoon C. Cho


Media, Culture, Product, Attitude, Behavior


Culture affects every part of our lives, every day, from birth to death, and everything in between (Cateora, Gilly, and Graham 2011). This study discusses the way in which customers acceptance of cultures and products has been greatly affected by the media. This study also investigates how customers acceptance leads to attitudinal and behavioral changes. In particular, this study measures the impact of a cultural wave to examine the attitudinal and behavioral changes it causes. This study explores the causes that affect the willingness of people to change their behavior after exposure to the media. In particular, this study investigates 1) how a cultural wave influences product and cultural awareness, 2) the relationship between perceptions of a cultural wave and peoples attitudes and behavior, and 3) the relationship between the strength of peoples attitudes toward acculturation and changes in attitude and behavior. By applying various statistical analyses, this study identifies managerial and theoretical implications.


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