The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Life Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence From Logistics Practitioners In A South African Steel-Making Company

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Chengedzai Mafini


Job Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction, Logistics Practitioners, South Africa


There has been an explosion of research interests centered upon the job satisfaction-life satisfaction nexus within organizations. Be that as it may, there is a relative paucity of research on the job satisfaction of logistics practitioners in general and limited evidence of studies that specifically address the issue of job satisfaction in the steel-making industry in developing countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the structural relationships between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. The study followed a quantitative survey approach in which a three-section questionnaire was administered to 192 purposively selected logistics practitioners in a South African steel-making company. The Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale were adapted for this study. Data were analysed through Principal Component Analysis using Varimax rotation, nonparametric correlation analysis, and descriptive statistics. Five job satisfaction factors, namely, skills utilisation, workplace flexibility, autonomy, teamwork, and remuneration were extracted. The five factors attained high Cronbach Alpha values above the recommended 0.70, which indicates high internal consistencies among the sub-scales. Positive, significant relationships were found between life satisfaction and two factors, namely, skills utilization and remuneration. Weak relationships were found between life satisfaction and three job satisfaction factors, namely, teamwork, workplace flexibility, and autonomy. Mean score rankings showed that among the job satisfaction factors, skills utilisation was more important to logistics practitioners. The study is important in that it provides further verification of the patterns in the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. By examining the structural interplay between job and life satisfaction variables among logistics practitioners, organizations may be better equipped to initiate strategies of meeting the needs of their logistics workforce, thereby facilitating improved organizational performance as measured through the ability to deliver the right product to the right place at the right time, which is the mission of logistics.


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