A Framework For Linking Process Factors To Organisational Performance In A Government Department

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Chengedzai Mafini
David Rabolane Isaac Pooe


Organisational Performance, Organisational Structure, Organisational Change, Organisational Leadership, Organisational Teamwork, Public Sector Organisation, South Africa


Organisational performance in the public sector in South Africa remains an issue of concern, due to the fact that most government departments continue to perform below the expected standard. This presented an impetus to conduct research on organisational performance in the sector on a continuous basis, in order to find current solutions. In this study, the relationship between organisational performance and four organisational process factors; namely, organisational structure, change, teamwork, and leadership in a South African government department was examined. A conceptual framework and four hypotheses which linked these four process factors and organisational performance were proposed. A six-section survey questionnaire was administered to 272 randomly selected members of a government department who were based in Gauteng Province. The proposed relationships were tested using a combination of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Positive and statistically significant relationships were observed between organisational performance and the four process factors, leading to the acceptance of all hypotheses. The framework proposed in the study may be used in the diagnosis of performance problems in the public sector.


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