A Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis Of A Leadership Competency Model: An Empirical Study Conducted In Thailand
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Competency, Leadership, Human Resources, Management
In this study, the researchers investigate the contribution of each component of the leadership competency construct through constructing a model incorporating secondary order confirmatory factor analysis and extrapolated to the Kingdom of Thailand. Developed by Eyde et al (1999) in 1998 this leadership competency model is extrapolated to Thailand and examined for fit. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses framed for this investigation. The findings support the notion that leadership bears a significant relationship with the competencies of leading change, results driven, leading people, building coalitions/communication and business acumen. The good leader should be able to display these competencies as a coherent ensemble. Thus, it can be said that this study provides excellent guidance to human resource managers, teachers, other educators, researchers and managers striving to develop a competitive firm and organization in the current global business environment.