Determinants Of, And Barriers To, Market Orientation And The Relationship With Business Performance Among SMES

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Job Dubihlela
Manilall Roy Dhurup


Market Orientation, Determinants, Barriers, Business Performance


Expansion, diversification, greater choice, market share, profits and increased competition are the “overarching forces” that drive organisations to embrace marketing concepts such as market orientation. Various researchers assert that market orientation is a vital marketing concept for the performance of businesses and for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) there are no exceptions. The study examines the relationship of the determinants and barriers to market orientation and the influence of market orientation on business performance among SMEs in a developing country. This cross-sectional study made of a quantitative survey design. The target population comprised 273 owners/managers of SMEs in the Vaal Triangle, South Africa. The results revealed that the determinants of market orientation exhibited a strong influence in market orientation. Market orientation in turn showed strong positive relationship with business performance. Barriers to market orientation showed strong negative relationship with market orientation. The study identified the constructs that foster or discourage market orientation, and the contribution that market orientation can have on business performance for SMEs. SMEs owner/mangers are encouraged to consider the market orientation constructs that positively influences the performance of their businesses.


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