Case Study Of U.S. Cotton Textile Industry

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Yoo-Kyoung Seock
Andrea Giraudo
Leah Gautreaux


Cotton Textile Industry, Production, Consumption, International Trade


Ever since its introduction to the United States, cotton has played an important role in the U.S. economy and its position in the international market. The success of cotton production in the U.S. has, in the past, served as a major boost for the American economy and a catalyst for industrial improvements and inventions. However, the global market for cotton fibers and cotton-based textile products has undergone a few changes over the past decades. Competition surrounding cotton has placed the industry under pressure and intense competition among the largest producers such as China, India, and Pakistan. Due to the increased competition of the cotton production and international trade of cotton in the global market alongside the decreased production of textile products, the U.S. cotton industry had to look beyond its own borders to meet the demands of the global textile market.

The purpose of this paper is to examine and discuss the important issues raised in the U.S. cotton textile industry and to look for the future of this industry. The case can be used as a tool to stimulate a critical evaluation of the industry and to facilitate discussion about the potential strategies to make the industry viable.


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