Minor League Baseball Is All About Being Entertained

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Eric J. Newman



When attending Minor League baseball games many fans are not as interested in the baseball game as they are to the entertainment experience associated with the game. They are attending the baseball game to be entertained. Many fans don’t actually watch and completely understand the baseball game; they come for the whole entertainment experience. They attend to watch the people, eat good food, drink, be around friends, feel a sense of belonging, and to watch the sports contest. The fans expect to enjoy themselves in a fun, clean, and hassle free environment. At the end of the game many fans don’t really care who won the game as long as it was fun. Seventy-six percent of the fans surveyed at the ballpark said they attended the game to be entertained, but do not attend often. Minor League baseball teams play a 150 game season with 75 home games. Fifty-nine percent of the fans attend less than five games a season or seven percent of the games of the home games. Seventy-nine percent of the fans attend less than thirteen percent of the home games. The fans are not returning to the ballpark often, why? They may not be having enough fun compared with all the other entertainment choices available. There is also a limited amount of true baseball fans with only five percent of the fans attending more than half of the home games. It’s time to start focusing on all those fans of entertainment, providing them opportunity to be entertained at a Minor League baseball game.


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