The Role Of Flextime Appeal On Family And Work Outcomes Among Active And Non-Active Flextime Users: A Between Groups And Within Groups Analysis

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Joseph F. Rocereto
Susan Forquer Gupta
Joseph B. Mosca


Flextime, Flextime Appeal, Work-Family Balance, Job Outcomes


The influence of schedule flexibility, including flextime, on work-family balance and job outcomes has been of great interest to both members of academia and practitioners. However, the role that the desirability of flextime has on such constructs has been largely ignored in past literature. Additionally, relatively few studies have investigated differences between work-family balance and job satisfaction among those who are actively using flextime and those who are not currently using flextime. Results of this study strengthen the need for an increased understanding of the role that flextime appeal serves in work-family balance and job satisfaction, and the impact that flextime has on enhancing these important work-related constructs. Other meaningful differences between flextime users and non-flextime users, including the roles of gender and the presence of children living at home are also explored.


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