A Standard-Based Model For Adaptive E-Learning Platform For Mauritian Academic Institutions

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P. Kanaksabee
M. P. Odit
A. Ramdoyal


Adaptive e-learning and e-learning platform


The key aim of this paper is to introduce a standard-based model for adaptive e-learning platform for Mauritian academic institutions and to investigate the conditions and tools required to implement this model. The main forces of the system are that it allows collaborative learning, communication among user, and reduce considerable paper work. Adaptation in the context of e-learning is about creating a learner experience that purposely adjusts to various conditions over a period of time with the intention of increasing pre-defined success criteria. Adaptation requires the functionality to be able to interact with and manipulate data on the learning design, the users and the system, and its contents. Therefore, adaptation is not an add-on that can just be plugged into a learning environment. Each of the conditions for adaptation has to be represented in a rigorous way. We will introduce a model based on a set of key learning technology standards that enable a structured, integrated view on designing, using and validating adaptation.


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