Analysis Of Classroom Discourse And Instructors Awareness Of Speech In A Spanish College Course

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Graziela Rondon-Pari


instructors beliefs, Spanish-English ratio, Spanish discourse analysis


This is an instrumental case study and consists of the description, analysis and interpretation of the teaching practices of a Spanish college instructor. The aim of this research project is to find answers to the following questions: What is the ratio of L1-L2 spoken in class? For what functions is each language used? And, are there inconsistencies between teachers beliefs and classroom practices in regards to the use of English and Spanish? Data were obtained from the tape recording of beginner level Spanish conversation classes in a private college in the Northeast. Other data sources included non-participant observations and an interview with the instructor. Results seem to indicate a prevalence in the use of English as opposed to Spanish in the classes observed. At the same time, there was an inconsistency between awareness regarding the use of English and Spanish in class and a prevalence of teacher talk compared to student speech.


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