The Viability Of English Television Programs Inside Of South Korean Classrooms
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EFL (English as a foreign language), Private Education, Ministry of Education, Public School, English Television Programs
English television programs have been incorporated within public-school classrooms in western countries for a long time to capture student interest in various subjects. Many researchers favor English programs as a partner inside of classrooms while others hold negative perceptions of the concept. However, there is little research to provide a better understanding of how English television programs have been accepted within South Korean public-school EFL classrooms by teachers and public administrative professionals. Since South Koreas Ministry of Education is aggressively identifying alternative ways to reduce household spending on private English education, this study attempts to determine if English television programs can be a viable partner in South Korean EFL classrooms. Fifty public-school EFL teachers covering schools in Seoul, Bucheon, Suwon, and Incheon were surveyed to provide better insight. A majority of the participants indicated they instruct their students to watch English programs as a part of their lesson plans, but this study also indicates the strategy has been applied sparingly.