Emotional Intelligence And Cross-Cultural Communication Competence: An Analysis Of Group Dynamics And Interpersonal Relationships In A Diverse Classroom

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Melvin C. Washington
Ephraim A. Okoro
Sussie U. Okoro


Emotional Intelligence, Intercultural Communication, Communication Competence, Multicultural Classroom


This study discusses the significance ofemotional intelligence and intercultural communication competence in globallydiverse classroom settings. Specifically,the research shows a correlation between degrees of emotional intelligence and humancommunication competence (age, gender, and culture). The dataset consists of364 participants. Nearly six tenths (n= 215; 59.1%) were women. About two-thirds of participants were undergraduate students(n = 243; 66.8%), and one-third were graduate students (n = 121; 33.2%). Further, most respondents were AfricanAmerican (n = 303; 83.2%). The remaining students were of African and Caribbeanorigin (n = 61; 61.8%). Among the African/Caribbean students, they had thefollowing national origins: Nigerian, 45 students; Jamaican, 5, Ghanaian, 4;Ugandan, 3; Trinidadian, 2; and Liberian, 2.


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