Team Teaching Styles Utilized In Japan: Do They Really Work?

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Harry F. Carley III


Team Teaching, Co-teaching, EFL, ESL, Japan, TT


This paper continues the debate over TT(team-teaching) benefits and detriments. TT has been utilized extensively inJapan in English Language instructional courses at the elementary and juniorhigh school levels over the past 20 years. Although at times satirical, theauthor in all seriousness discusses TT and; its advantages and disadvantages inlight of his experiences in various TT instructional environments. Teamteaching can be a viable option for large or multiple classes; unfortunately, however,personality and cultural conflicts between instructors most often disallow anybenefits that might be gained by the learners. In this paper, the author willdiscuss and share his specific experiences with TT over a fifteen year periodin Japanese kindergartens, elementary schools, and junior high schools.Concluding remarks will analyze the TT approach between Japanese instructors incollaboration with their fellow Japanese teachers.


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