Empowering The Language Learner: Language Learning Strategy Training And Self-Regulation In An EFL Classroom
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Affective Strategies, Cognitive Strategies, Learning Strategies, Metacognitive Strategies, Self-Regulation, Social Strategies, Strategy Training
The purpose of this paper is to illustratehow an understanding of the Good Language Learner models described in the SLAliterature can be used to tailor and implement a program of learning strategytraining and self-regulatory practices in the classroom to empower L2 learnersin an EFL context. The paper begins by reviewing the various definitions andclassification systems of language learning strategies prominent in the SLAliterature. It then examines the evolution of the “good” language learner byspecfically looking at the GLL in terms of what strategies they employ, themanner in which they utilize those strategies and what drives them to beproactive in their learning process. The author concludes by proposing aprogram of metacogntive strategy training and self-regulatory awareness practicesfor classroom implementation in order to increase the language learningeffectiveness of students in a South Korean university.
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