Significant Learning In University Students From The Area Of Financial Accounting Through The Use Of A WebQuest

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Adelaida Ciudad-Gomez
Jesus Valverde-Berrocoso


WebQuest, Financial Accounting, Competence, Constructivism, Higher Education


The use of Information & Communication Technologies and active learning methodologies are among the main challenges faced at university level in the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which promotes a learning process in which the student becomes a proactive subject in their own education.

One of these methodologies is what is known as a WebQuest, a system that allows to integrate ICT in web-based research and problem-solving activities, thereby fostering collaborative work.

The purpose of this project was to describe a teaching experience on the use of WebQuest in a university setting, in the field of Financial Accounting and as part of a training and skills-assessment model known as MANagement of COMpetence in the areas of Accounting (MANCOMA).

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