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accounting information systems, AIS
Previous studies ranking the quality of journals as a measure of the research contributions of accounting faculty have not served accounting information systems faculty well due to one or more of four problems: (1) the ranking included several highly-ranked accounting journals that publish few, if any, articles in the systems area; (2) the results did not include a separate ranking for those who teach in the systems area; (3) the survey did not include a sufficient number of journals from the information systems area that afford quality publishing opportunities for accounting faculty; and (4) the survey was completed by many accounting faculty who have little knowledge of or interest in the accounting systems area.
This study was undertaken to produce a ranking of journal quality specifically suited to judging the research contributions of accounting systems faculty. The survey methodology addresses each of the four problem areas cited above, resulting in rankings that are substantially different from other studies. Rather than the Accounting Review and Journal of Accounting Research leading the list of ranked journals, this study reveals that, for accounting information systems faculty, a top-ranked publication would appear either in MIS Quarterly or Management Science, both non-accounting journals, as well as Journal of Information Systems (Accounting) or International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (formerly, Advances in Accounting Information Systems).