A Study Of Path-Goal Relations Between Leaders Of College Principals And Their Subordinates In Pakistan

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Riffat-un-Nisa Awan
Nayyar Raza Zaidi


Leadership Style, task structure, need for autonomy, need for achievement, perception about ability and locus of control, Job Satisfaction and Job Expectancies


This study was designed to investigate the relationship among leadership behavior of degree college principals, selected organizational and personal characteristics, and faculty job satisfaction, acceptance of leader and job expectancies. The moderators included task structure, role ambiguity, stress, need for autonomy, need for achievement, perception about ability and locus of control. Responses were received from 854 college faculty members. Correlation analysis indicated that leadership styles were positively related to job expectancies and negatively related to acceptance of leader and job satisfaction. There were no differences between male and female respondents on any dependent measure. Majority was satisfied with their work on the job, supervision, coworkers and job in general and were dissatisfied with their pay and the promotion policy. Regression analysis indicated that only experience and length of service under current principal had significant affect on acceptance and satisfaction.


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