The Value Of A Simulation-Based Approach For Teaching Both Survey And Capstone Courses In Business

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Jane LeMaster



A concern in business education is the ability of students to integrate knowledge of the functional areas of business into a meaningful, unified whole. This paper examines the use of a business simulation for teaching the entry-level business survey course and describes the use of the same simulation in the graduate level (MBA) capstone course. An analysis of the value of simulation as an appropriate teaching approach is made for both the survey course and the capstone course. The paper presents the literature on learning styles and preferences, a description of the simulation used, how the study was organized, and the results of student learning and attitudes towards a simulation-based learning style for both courses. The results showed an increase in retention rates and grades for the entry-level survey course and anecdotal evidence for improved leadership skills, communication skills, and understanding of the functional areas of business.


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