Business Research In Eight Business Disciplines

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Larry M. Robinson
Roy D. Adler



This study recorded nearly 1.5 million citations to measure research productivity of the 4,918 full time faculty members with doctoral degrees at 51 leading US business schools. These schools had been included at least once in the 25 most recent ranking lists produced by three major business publications. This research included lifetime citation counts for each faculty member, and resulted in 1,497,162 citations that were recorded between March and June 2003.

The citation counts were cumulated by academic discipline. The disciplines for which rankings were made were accounting, economics, finance, information systems, marketing management science, organizational behavior, and strategy. Ranked lists of the top 25 schools in each disciple are included.

The paper contains a review of the literature on citation analysis, and suggests how citation analysis might be used as an assessment tool by business school administrators, professors, students, and corporate managers.


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