Students Perception Of Homework Assignments And What Influences Their Ideas
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Homework, Student Perception
Authors have researched the effects of homework, but few studies have delved into the idea of students attitude towards homework. Consequently, students perception of homework, the principal participants, remains largely unknown. Students experience in homework that started as early as elementary school has influenced their ideas of homework. Trying to get students to complete their homework is one of the most frequent and frustrating behavior problems for educators. The purpose of this study is to understand students perception of homework assignments and identify factors that influenced their ideas. The participants for this research project were 180 undergraduate students enrolled in select Principles of Finance and Corporate Finance classes (encompassing three semesters and nine classes) at Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Results of the study summarize students opinions of homework assignments while in high school, college, and for the specific course in which the questionnaire was administered. Tests of significance revealed seven (of the nine classes) significant differences between the actual number of times homework was handed in and the pre-conceived number of times students estimated homework assignments would be completed on time.
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