Caught In A Severe Thunderstorm, Fuel Is Low, Passenger Having Heart Attack, Hydraulics Are Failing, Instruments Are Iffy, And No Airport Is In Sight: Quick As The Pilot, What Do You Do?
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University administrators can take a cue from pilots. Pilots regularly face decision situations where much lies in the balance. So it is with university administrators. The department, college or university itself can be compared to an aircraft. In flight, there are times when the sun shines and winds are favorable: a comfortable flight results and the mission is accomplished. At other times, thunderstorms ravage the skies, fuel may run low, structures and people may fail, and problems arise. So it is with universities and colleges. Sometimes things are great and at other times problems arise that interfere with the institutions role and mission. It is in the parallels of flying and leading an educational institution that allows flying wisdom to be of use.
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