Are Male Employees Promoted More Often Than Females Who Are Just As Qualified?

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Charmaine C. Walters Balfour
Bahaudin G. Mujtaba


gender, promotion, discrimination, age, work experience, education, and corporate workplace


The purpose of this research is to determine if males are promoted faster than females who are equally qualified. Statistics based on empirical studies have shown that from the number of students who have pursued degrees from the undergraduate level to the masters level, females outnumber males by far. One can therefore only conclude (all things being equal) that academically there are more qualified females than males in the workplace. However when you look on companies corporate websites, there are more males than females in top management positions. Data were collected from a sample of 130 professionals who varied by gender, age, education, work experience and minority or majority status. The results of this study demonstrate that gender discrimination is not a perceptual barrier in promotional opportunities. Implications for manager and employees are discussed.


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