Using The Tenets Of Problem Based Learning In The Development Of Small Group Experiences In The Rehabilitative Environment

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Genevieve Pinto Zipp
Ashlesha Shah


Small groups, problem based learning, educational strategy, learning strategy


Purpose. Professional health science educational programs have utilized numerous learning strategies including journals, practice patterns, problem-based learning (PBL), case-studies, and hypothesis-oriented algorithm for clinicians (HOAC) (Shepard et al., 2002). While, these learning strategies have found a place in the health science educational curriculums they have not been utilized in the clinic with patients. This essay provides a brief overview on the tenets of small group work associated with PBL and offers insight into how small groups may be used in the clinic as a teaching strategy. Importance. While this essay does not offer data to support the use of small group work as a learning technique for the promotion of patient problem solving it does provide a medium for the exchange of ideas which may lead to future research in this area.


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