A Literature Review On Chief Executive Officer Hubris And Related Constructs: Is The Theory Of Chief Executive Officer Hubris An Antecedents Or Consequences?

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Hyunjun Park
Youngtae Yoo


CEO Hubris, Overconfidence, CEO Celebrity, Narcissism


This paper reviews the theory of Chief Executive Officer hubris and related constructs. It is to identify the area of Chief Executive Officer hubris clearly and to clarify the confusion of related constructs which includes: overconfidence, Chief Executive Officer celebrity, and narcissism. We examined the four related constructs comprehensively and evaluated Chief Executive Officer hubris construct as an antecedent or consequence. Throughout the research mainstream, these research related constructs often use the word hubris interchangeably. Many researchers are confused whether Chief Executive Officer hubris is an antecedent or consequence? We will attempt to resolve this issue by examining antecedents and consequences of Chief Executive Officer hubris and related constructs. Furthermore, suggestions and implications for future research based on Chief Executive Officer hubris will be assessed.


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