Educational Innovation And Personalized Tutoring In Higher Education: A Personal And Professional Guidance

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Raul del Pozo-Rubio
Pablo Ruiz-Palomino
Ricardo Martinez-Canas


Academic Achievement, Personalized Tutorials, Educational Guidance, Tutorial Action Plan


College years determine the essential academic and personal training for students future success. Certainly, higher education period is essential in the development of students as persons, setting out their emotional and intellectual capital and therefore determining their professional and personal life expectations. However, this process generally must be faced with few help and also sometimes students have to create, sometimes blindly, their own path. In this sense, Social Sciences Faculty of Cuenca (Spain) has created a Tutoring Action Program that is designed to provide more supportive, collegial and discipline-specific training for students. This plan defines also a new tutorial role for professors as personal mentors of students. The aim of this paper is to present the new methodology used for the implementation of the Tutorial Action Plan which includes the assignment of this new role attributed to professors, and that consist in advising and guiding the students in those questions that may arise throughout the university degree, as well as advising students to do those things that are most appropriate for their profiles relative to their future labor orientations.


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